It's been a while ne?
Finally I find time to blog! Why? Because school is over: in Unciano and at the office.
I have just graduated.
I just finished my fourth and last(?) batch of Benefits trainees. I will go under training by the same trainer from the client for a second LOB. Talk about full-circle, but this time, I shall train other agents right away. But I am still getting agent-level pay. My boss says "soon" and "within the month". I'm tired. I'm sticking to his word, though, if April passess by and nothing happens....
I was reading through the entries here and look back on the past year. Summer is here again and realize how I've changed. But one thing still rings clear: It's training or bust.
1. Be a full-pledge trainer by the end of April.
2. Be a full-pledge midwife by the end of the year. (Board exams are on November)
3. Apply for work in Canada or Australia.
Ora et Labora