Grabe ang init! kumukulong summer. Congrats to the Sang'gre! We made it and we made it together! ^_^
I now work in a call center (as a trainee pa lang) hope I get through this one because its tough tough tough. I was superafraid at the beginning. i keep thinking that "hey some of my friends already have done so much, i feel like a naive ignoramus." Then I saw some people at the call center that are so maporma... like I wouldn't fit in. And then of course it my first job, i didn't know quite what to expect. I'm a kid midwife, what do I know about talking to americans on the bloody phone in the middle of the frikkin night? Of course my eternal, fits-everywhere-that-I-am question was "would I be good enough to survive"?
And now I see that I have found another family. We have laid the foundations of our friendship and I hope this lasts through product training and beyond beyond beyond. I'm not allowed to say what account we actually handle but let me safely say that although we are very different people, we share a common background (wink wink). I wonder if other agents from other accounts share the same wavelength among their team mates like we do.
I also see that MAYBE I could actually do this and be worthy of the money I'm paid for this. Maybe I'm gonna do this for a little while. Maybe.
My company has a lot of facilities. I hope they open up a gym for us. I dont want to grow an "office-chair butt". I'm investing in a good eye gel, a cooling blindfold and a moisturizer so I wouldn't look so dead. Also in a concealer and a good shimmery blush so I'd cover up any bad days/nights (its hard to tell) when I do look dead. I think i have to see a derma now so acne wouldn't degrade me into zombie status. (yeh yeh I'm so vain I know) I'm also going to buy a sweater in the middle of the summer coz its frikkin cold (a sensation I'm not too familiar with) And also some sensible office clothes.
I will still visit the Paanakan for a much needed change of scene. I still love the work there for women. I'm getting my license soon and the Paanakan is the best place to review.
This is a very interesting summer.
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